Fire Fighting Equipment & Systems

Portable & Non Portable Fire Fighting Equipment & Breathing Apparatus :

- Inspection, weighing & issuance certificate
- Refill & charge
- Chipping & painting
- Volumetric hydraulic pressure testing

Breathing apparatus & emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)

- Inspection & servicing, repairs, modification and issue certificate
- Inspection of CABA bottles

Fixed fire fighting systems

- Inspection, check, labeling and issuance of certificate, measurement of content by liquid level indicator or weighing
- Dismantling removal & reconnection of cylinder for weighing,hydro test, etc.
- Volumetric hydraulic pressure testing
- Repairs, blown through testing, checking alarm & release mechanism, etc.
- Refill-bulk

Fire protection system design, installation and engineering

- Fire protection systems (ships, offshore and onshore) design,
- preparation of plans and installation (including Co2, foam, sprinkler, mist water systems and fire alarm systems.
- Engineering and consultancy and fire protection systems
- Supply of Fire Fighting Equipment & Systems

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